The Shyness Institute

The Shyness Institute is a non-profit research corporation founded in 1994 and is dedicated to research regarding shyness, social anxiety, and related anxiety disorders.

The Shyness Institute develops and documents work on Lynne Henderson’s The Social Fitness Model, including The Social Fitness Manuals, The Shyness Reading List, Research and Presentations, Meditations, and Worksheets (Practice Notes, Handouts and Questionnaires) from The Shyness Institute.

The Shyness Institutea lso provides public education in the areas of social interaction, shyness, and overall social/emotional wellness.

The Shyness Clinic, a treatment center for shyness and social anxiety disorder, originally created by The Shyness Institute was moved in 2010 to the The Gronowski Center at the Palo Alto University.

11 thoughts on “The Shyness Institute”

  1. There are usually lower fee services provided by students in training or beginning therapists. If you call your county psychological association they often can provide information regarding how to contact them. You may also ask a therapist if they do provide lower fees on the basis of need. Many do. Also, look for group psychotherapy because it can be really helpful and is cheaper. It helps the social anxiety to be with others who struggle with the same issues. You can see how they are nice people and underneath can have the same negative thoughts and worries that you do. You also get a chance to make friends in the group.

  2. Hello,
    My son is very shy and anxious. This has affected his entire life. Please let me know where I may get help especifically, practitioners trained in the shyness institute, i.e Mr Zmbardo’s methods. My zip code is 93536. If that helps. Thanks!

    1. You can look for psychotherapists who work with shyness and social anxiety. Group therapy is often very helpful. Look for Cognitive Behavioral Therapists and those who practice compassion focused therapy.

    2. You can call your county psychological association and ask for for cognitive behavioral therapists who work with shyness and social anxiety. It is very treatable. My Shyness Workbook is available on Amazon. It helps you challenge negative automatic thoughts and change your behavior. It also helps you increase your self compassion. I wish you well in helping your son get help and move forward. It will pay off.

  3. Hello,
    I’m a university student struggling with extreme shyness. This has contributed to a lot of bullying in class which only makes the situation worse – I’m even called out by my professors. I really don’t know where to begin to get help with this. Shyness has been an issue for me since elementary school. Being in my early 20s, I’m scared this will never go away.

    1. Dear Lily,

      Feeling shy is common. Over 40% of people say they are shy and 60% of Stanford University students reported they were shy. It is common. There are only around 2% of people who say they have never been shy. You are not alone.

      Group therapy can be very helpful because you see other people who feel shy and you can see for yourself how common it is. It often occurs in situations that are important to us. You can role play conversations in front of a mirror before you have them, or have friends or family role play them with you.

      If you see an individual therapist at your counseling center it can be helpful because they know the environment you are in and they may know of helpful groups.

      I have a new book out called The Shyness Workbook. It has exercises you can practice and it is available on Amazon.

      I have worked with many shy people and I know they have changed, so I hope you feel hopeful.

      All best,

    2. Hey Lily, I can relate to your issue! I’m also a college student in my 20s and it feels as though I should be past my extreme shyness by now. I’ve also been struggling with this since elementary and it’s still something that haunts me. I’m here looking for answers.

      1. My Shyness Workbook is available on Amazon and takes you through the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that you can change through practice and helps you be supportive and loving toward yourself as you practice and do the things you really want to do. I wish you all the best.

  4. Hello,
    I’m a freelancer struggling with extreme shyness. I really don’t know where to begin to get help with this. Shyness has been an issue for me since i was child. Being in my early 20s, I’m scared this will never go away.

    1. Dear Abdullah,
      Feeling shy is common. Over 40% of people say they are shy and 60% of Stanford University students reported they were shy. It is common. There are only around 2% of people who say they have never been shy. You are not alone.

      Group therapy can be very helpful because you see other people who feel shy and you can see for yourself how common it is. It often occurs in situations that are important to us. You can role play conversations in front of a mirror before you have them, or have friends or family role play them with you.

      I have a book called The Shyness Workbook. It has exercises you can practice and it is available on Amazon.

      I have worked with many shy people and I know they have changed, so I hope you feel hopeful.

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