Resources: Meditations

These meditations are taken from the work of experts in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), compassion-focused therapy (CFT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindful self-compassion (MSC).

Mindful Self-Compassion Meditations

These meditations accompany Lynne Henderson’s courses on mindful self-compassion (MSC).

  1. Self-Compassion Break (4:41)
  2. Affectionate Breathing  (6:15)
  3. Soles of the Feet (3:31)
  4. Unconditional Poem (1:27)
  5. Loving Kindness for Beginners (7:08)
  6. Loving Kindness with Self-Compassion (6:02)
  7. Giving and Receiving (8:57)
  8. Soften Soothe Allow (15:41)
  9. Compassionate Friend (12:47)
  10. Compassion for Self (10:17)
  11. Compassionate Body Scan (15:21)

3 thoughts on “Resources: Meditations”

    1. You can find meditations on Kristen Neff’s website. You can also look for mindful self compassion classes. There is a Center for Mindful Self-Compassion that you can find on the web. You can find classes there as well.

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