EOS Questionaire DemographicsPlease give us some information about yourself, so we may add your information (anonymously) to our aggregated data. Age:* Gender:*femalemale Year in school:*not in school123456789101112freshmansophmorejuniorseniorgraduate schoolQuestionsTo what extent do you relate to each of these statements? Please make a rating on a 7 point scale from 1 (not at all) to 4 (moderately) to 7 (very much)not at allmoderatelyvery much1234567 Q1: If I let people know too much about me they will say hurtful things to me, or talk about me behind my back to others.*not at all1234567very much Q2: People will make fun of me and ridicule me.*not at all1234567very much Q3: People are indifferent to my feelings and don't want to know about me.*not at all1234567very much Q4: If people see my discomfort they will feel contempt for me.*not at all1234567very much Q5: People are more powerful than I am and will take advantage of me.*not at all1234567very much Q6: I must not let people know too much about me because they will misuse the information.*not at all1234567very much Q7: If I'm not watchful and careful, people will take advantage of me.*not at all1234567very much Q8: People do not relate to my problems.*not at all1234567very much Q9: People will be rejecting and hurtful if I let them close to me*not at all1234567very much Q10: People do not identify with me when I am uncomfortable*not at all1234567very much Q11. When people see my discomfort they feel superior.*not at all1234567very much Q12. People do not care about me.*not at all1234567very muchI understand that no identifying information is included in this data.In submitting this data, I give permission for its unlimited use in research.Submit the questionnaireErase all answers from the questionnaire Your EOS is:(Please wait for more detailed results.)