Social Fitness Model

Hi Again,

I also want to update my post on using the Social Fitness Model to help employees in businesses have courageous conversations when they need to speak up on behalf of their values and ethics.  It may mean speaking up for someone else whom you think is not being treated fairly or well; it may also mean objecting if you think one of your colleagues is doing something unethical; it may also mean speaking up for yourself as a role model to others. We have a new website at, in case you’d like to have a look. There is a Tedx talk by the company CEO and founder, Brooke Deterline that covers the philosophy behind it.

You know that I think people who feel shy can make outstanding leaders because you are sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others, and will lead not for the spotlight, but because you care about something. I encourage all of you to remember that you can speak up when you care about something, when it is related to your values. It helps reduce the concern about how we appear to others and raises our awareness of how we want to contribute in the world.

Be well, and contribute.

2 thoughts on “Social Fitness Model”

  1. Hi Lynne,
    I appreciate very much your interest in shyness and wrote a dissertation ‘is shyness an illness’ for my degree and found your input from here very interesting. Can I ask do you see the effects of Covid having an effect on people with shyness or increasing the likelihood of shyness occurring for people with underlying anxiety.

    1. I can imagine that it affected shy people because it decreased the opportunities to be out among people even if they weren’t interacting directly with them. I don’t, however know of any research this topic so far.

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